"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~~Wisdom from Dr. Seuss:



Let's start by my saying this, I love flowers!
I love flower beds, flower gardens, etc.
But, I HATE petunias.

Every year my Mom or someone else always says, "Why don't you get some petunias?"
Every year it makes me mad, lol.
I mean why not put out petunias? They are easy maintenance, they handle all kinds of weather well,they are a pretty flower and cheap.
So this year I wanted something to cascade from my new porch, so I bought some wave petunias. Last night DH and I were finishing up some of my flowers, and as we were putting the petunias together I realized why I hate them so.

Until I was 10, my Mom was a single Mom, supporting my brother and I.
Every year for Mother's Day at school, the local greenhouse would come in a truck and bring flowers for the kids to buy for their Moms.
My Mom did a GREAT job raising us and providing us with everything we needed, but I could never afford to get my Momma anything more than a, you guessed it, a petunia.
I would watch all the kids from "snob knob" (a well to-do neighborhood of course) buy their Moms the prettier flowers, and rose bushes. It wasn't the point that they had more money, it was that I thought MY MOMMA deserved BETTER!!
So last night as I was putting the last basket together, I had an epiphany of why I hate petunias.

Funny that now I Mother's Day I never buy my Momma flowers. Sometimes from a florist, but never something she can put out. I try to find something she can keep, besides a plate with my finger print or an astray. I still find her looking at those ugly things from time to time. So I guess it's true, Momma's do like those. Maybe next year I can make her a mug with my hand print to match the plate. : )

What have been some of your quirky childhood memories?


Tuesday's Random Rambling

1. demanding - life

2. impressive - it takes a lot

3. proof - insurance & registration

4. eventually - i will have my dream

5. high - above the clouds

6. late - what DH & I always seem to be

7. longer - what I wish weekends were

8. whistle - while you work, snow white

9. smooth - as a baby's butt, btw, who came up with that saying??

10. resist - temptation

Men in Convertable Miatas

What is your thought on middle aged men who drive convertible miatas with row bars?

(btw, I couldn't find one picture of a miata with a man in it)

***story is to come later****


The Song Remembers When

This my last Friday off.
I was taking complete advantage of it by finishing a book, then catching up with the blogs I follow. I had some music playing in the background. I love music. All kinds.

Anyways, as I am reading I hear this Kenny Chesney song, "You Win, I Win, We Lose".
I thought back to almost 11 years ago to a guy I use to see, his name was Mike. Unfortunately because of the situation that song reminded me of him then. Now when I hear it, I still think of him.

Funny how music can do that for you. You can hear a song and it takes you back to another place, another person, and another time that is so dim in your mind you think you have forgotten it, then you hear a song, and "the song remembers when".

So today, on my last Friday off, I have decided to take a trip down "memory lane" with some people and "adjust" my music to suit. It ranges from family to friends, to old beaux.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Wordless Wednesday

Oooooooohhhhhh La Laaaaaa


Tuesday's Random Ramblings

1. Book - I wish I had more time to read them
2. Marriage - very few people think it's a sacred commiment anymore
3. Sugar - can't get enough of it
4. Beauty - queen of only 18
5. vanishing - act
6. multiple - births
7. catch - and release
8. convention - shriners
9. jolly - green giant
10. famine - Africa
11. accident - train wreck
12. characteristics - everyone has them

A Change Coming On.....

Today I woke up wanting change.
I don't want to be predictable.
Just like clothes. If you open my closest it's either blue, pink, or red.
Same style, basica same look. I started to think, I am I that cheap?? Or is it unwillingness to change when it's simple to use the same as always just in a different color.
I think it all started several weeks ago when I had to find a dress for the wedding.
I picked the brown polka dot dress with the lime green belt. I was so excited about that dress. It was shorter and much more showy than my norm. (not that it was inapropriate, just more than the usual for me).
My hubby gave me this weird look, and says, "Hmm...I don't know. If you like it, I like it." Seriously, why would I even bother asking at this rate??
So I tried my Momma and her response was, "It looks like you...." I guess that was ok, since she said the other dress I had brought home looked like Lucy from "I Love Lucy".
So I thought, "Baby Steps" and I went with a blog overhaul, twice in one day.
By the way, I have recieved more comments on the polka dot dress than I have in eons.
Every time Hubby sees the pictures from our trip, he says, "Baby, you looked "hot" in that dress."
I guess it was worth it, but I still want more change.

Tell me what you think, or what you would like to change yourself.

Memorial Day Rememberance

How many of us know the reasoning behind Memorial Day/Decoration Day?
Here is the "order" I found for it.
Having had two Granddad's serve, a Great Uncle, several classmates who as well has served our Country and at times have even died for it. We as a Country should recognize them for it. For this Freedom they have given us.

My picture above is from Arlington, it is one of the most sacred places.
I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day.

Memorial Day Order

I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form or ceremony is prescribed, but Posts and comrades will, in their own way, arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.

We are organized, Comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the purpose among other things, "of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers sailors and Marines, who united to suppress the late rebellion." What can aid more to assure this result than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead? We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security, is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.

If other eyes grow dull and other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain in us.

Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains, and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledge to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon the Nation's gratitude—the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan.

II. It is the purpose of the Commander in Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to call attention to this Order, and lend its friendly aid in bringing it to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith.

III. Department commanders will use every effort to make this Order effective.

—General Orders No. 11, Grand Army of the Republic Headquarters



I have a confession to make. I have a love for another man besides my husband. Please don't get me wrong I love my husband but, let me tell you about "Mr. C".

You see, Mr C understands me. He knows what I want. He knows I like it in the morning hot and fresh!! Sometimes I can take him through out the day if I want to. He doesn't care when I want to try something different or with a different flare, oh no, he just keeps giving. He knows when to turn on, and he knows when it's time to turn himself off. He doesn't get mad when I forget about him either.

Sunday is our special day. We are up and at it before Hubby even wakes. The dog doesn't even look up when I sneak outside. We sit on the front porch and relive the past week, or sometimes days gone by. Sometimes he even listens to my cry. He just continues to keep me warm.

Three other things about Mr. C I love, 1. he doesn't talk back 2. he's low maintenance 3. he looks good anywhere he sits in my kitchen.

Thank You Mr. Cuisinart, I love you!!!

p.s. ladies, you can purchase anyone of his brothers at your local Kohl's, or Macy's!



Happy Birthday Baby!!
I know you will be reading me from work today.
I figured the music fits where you really want to be!!
Close your eyes and maybe you can be there in mind.
Thank you Baby for everything! You are truly the best part of my life.
I Love You!!
No I haven't gone an done anything crazy this year : )
**goulish laugh***

Have a great day!! I'll see ya when you get home!!!

Ok ladies, I will be in and out all weekend because today is My Hubby's 35th and I will be trying to do special little things with him all weekend.

Happy Birthday Baby, I Love You!!!


Unconscious Mutterings

There is this funny thing Ms Tammy does over at Don't Let Your Funny Bone Go Limp, ( www.queen-sized.blogspot.com. please check her out she's a hoot), she calls it "Unconscious Mutterings". It makes me laugh half the time because it's the result of what pops in your head when you hear a word. So today while bored at work, I found a site, www.watch4snakes.com that gives you "random" words with a click of a button. So I thought, what the heck, I will do my own unconscious mutterings today for giggles. Hope you enjoy them!

1. thumbprint - what I have to give when I go tan

2. cowpuncher - who would punch a cow??

3. dress - I love my brown polka dot one

4. relative - can't pick'em

5. valley - where I feel stuck most of the time

6. motorcycle - my ex-hubby

7. middlebrow - not nice to mention names : )

8. shock - and "awe" effect

9. outraged - by my being over weight

10. sleeping - I don't know how to do it



To Obey???

You can see my friend's thought when the Preacher asked if she would obey. haha

Kidding of course, but it was a great shot, and the first thing I thought of when I saw it.


My Last Day

Do you know how to spell relief?? I remember this commercial from when I was a kid. Of course as a kid, we had other words we opted instead of the original commercial. I remember once getting myself into a heap of trouble for a word I replaced it with, my Mom was MAD.

Today I am thikning what relief is and what form. I am thrilled and on cloud nine and my day hasn't really got too far started yet. Today is the reception here for the newlyweds. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM!! It's just this whole "party" stuff that has become a drag. Drama, drama, drama. Did I mention drama??
In 12hr quick hours it will all be done.

The cake arrives this morning
We start decorating at 3
Party starts at 6-8
We should be done and cleaned up by 9

Yesterday alone I made 72 sandwiches, a pineapple cheeseball, a beef cheeseball, a double batch of spinach dip, whipped up some base for punch and went to wally world on a Friday!!! EEEEEkkkkkssssssssss!!
Not to mention all the laundry I had piled up from our trip. By the way, how is it two people can use so much clothing??

Wish me luck today. I won't get to see Frankie until probably at least Christmas.
She and James will leave back for AL in the morning.


My Dream Beach House

This is one of my "dream" beach houses. I won't go into how much it is, but let's just say the lot alone is 400k, before any house. I guess that makes it a dream huh?

Back to the flip flop thingy. Ok, I love flip flops for myself, not that I think they make me look "hot" like I do my Hubby, just I love flip flops. I have some for the yard, for certain outfits, for work, for the beach, get the picture??
Ok, so I got these great rebok flip flops 2yrs ago. They are my beach flip flops. I loved them. Of course I don't know why they were for the beach, I always go barefooted there, but never the less. I ask DH as I am shelling the beach, if he could carry them because my hands are getting full fast of shells. "Of course baby" was his response. I willingly hand him over my favorite flip flops for the safest care. An hour and a half later we are leaving. We get almost to the car, and I say, "Babe, can I have my flip flops now?"
Of course you know what happened. He lost a pair of white flip flops on a white sand beach. ***Sigh*** Then asked "Do you want me to go look for it?" Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! We had walked almost 2hrs, on a white sand beach, never in the same spot twice, and he wanted to go look for it. Ok, is it just me or is that crazy???
As sad as I was, I realized, I get to buy a new pair of flip flops!! All is well.


Follow up

Ok, so we finally made it home last night right around midnight, (before I turned into a pumpkin of course). We were wore to the core, and to be at work by 8 this morning. ***Sighs*** The good times were over.

I did learn a couple things while gone this weekend. I found out that I think my hubby looks "HOT" in flip flops. I know, I know this is really weird being that I think (and yes he knows) he has ugggllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy feet. Before we left I bought him a cheap pair from Wally World to just wear from and to the car at the beach. He fought me tooth and nail until he tried them. Anyways, we were there so much (at the beach) that I realized on the way home he had them on still. I asked, and he was honest about his new addiction.

I don't understand it. There was just something about him in a pair of jeans, and flip flops. Maybe it was because it was the first time I had seen him relaxed in a really long time. Maybe it's because I got them, he thought he wouldn't like them and loved them. Or maybe it's just a silly fetish. Either way, I like them!! : )


Last Night

Ok, I have no idea why, but this has been my favorite picture I took the whole trip. I guess because I hate having my picture taken,but it's still a great picture of Dave and me. I took it while at Ft. Morgan waiting on the ferry back.

Tonight is our last night on Dauphin Island. :(
Then tomorrow it is a 12hr drive back to the "real world".
I am not excited to go home, even though I have been sick since leaving Friday.
We just came in from the beach. There is a thunderstorm blowing in.
Odd but I am kind of excited about having a thunder boomer on the island.
Today, we took the ferry over to Ft. Morgan, then drove through Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and on to Pensacola. It was a great day. We met up with some friends in Orange Beach, (who were staying at Gulf Shores) We ate at Bubba's Seafood. It was pretty good, but nothing compared to the delicious meal of last night.
We we got back to Dauphin Inn, more guest had shown up. There are several guys here from Fishing Sport taping a fishing show this week here. My hubby could have been in "7th Heaven" listening to them, but I thought he should spend the evening with me, lol. Imagine!! He came willingly, but he might not be so willing to come home after breakfast in the morning.

Ok, that's it, we're gonna go to the dock and watch the storm blow in. Have a great one!!

Greetings From Dauphin Island!!!

Goodmorning Everyone!! I am on the beautiful island of Dauphin. It is still AL, Hubby and I are down here at a bed & breakfast on the bay. We have spent the last two days playing and frolicing in the sand. It has been wonderful!! We survived the 90 degree wedding that lasted way longer than it should. As well as all the drama that went on. (I will save that crazy story for when we get home) Today we are getting ready to take the ferry over to Gulf Shores, then onto Pensacola for the day, then ferry back to the island for the night. We ate last night at Barnicle Bill's here on the island. It was some GREAT seafood. Even worth the hour wait on it. Ok, Hubby is rushing me, lol. I have attached a pic of us POST FRANKIE/JAMES Wedding, and a couple from here on the island.


Handsome Hubby

Ok, so here are a couple of pictures of my wonderful hubby! I don't talk or say enough about him, but since I had a few minutes I thought I would show him off! The last picture here at the top is a pic from a fishing outting we had. I always hate to rub it in, I am a much better fisherman than him, no matter what kind of lures or thinga bobbies he uses. That's the thing about country girls, : )

So here we are, it's Friday again! Yeah!! Special "Yeah!!" for me since I am off on Fridays, at least for the month of May. I am pretty happy bout that. Of course I have the wedding next Saturday, yep, it's finally made it's way here. I'm in a pretty "mellow" mood today I guess, so I picked some new tunes out. Brad Paisley, hope you like them.
It's been a great week! I celebrated my 8th Wedding Anniversary this week with my wonderful Hubby. Our present to one another this year is our trip down south. He was loving enough to send me some beautiful flowers to enjoy, and we had dinner. I can't believe 8yrs have already come and gone.
It's drizzly and dreary here, but Jess and I are about to take our walk. Just wanted to check in and see what was going on with everyone else.
We're off to see my nephew play T-Ball this evening. Can't wait to see him in action!! Have a great weekend!!