"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~~Wisdom from Dr. Seuss:


Thankful Thursday

I'm still trying to get over this garb that I have.  I received notice it has decided to become a perminent resident in my chest.  I received the address change today from my head to my chest.  YAY!!
Tomorrow is Christmas parties at work for our departments.  Fortunately our boss is taking us to Cheddars for an extended lunch.  Dave and them are having a snack day.  Luckily he is only required to bring rolls.  The girls had mercy on me.

Today I am Thankful for so much.  I do not even know where to begin. 
I'm thankful it's going to snow this weekend on into next week.  I am hoping for a White Christmas.
I'm so glad all my family will be here for Christmas
I'm thankful for a warm house and some hot soup for my tummy.
I'm thankful I AM going to be well by the weekend so I will not be sick while off!!!

But most of all I am Thankful for a Savior who was willing to come one night, and be humble enough to lay in a manager unlike the King He was.  That He grew up to give His life for me.

What are you Thankful for this Christmas Season?


tammy said...

Great TT list! I hope you get feeling better and that garb moves away for good.

Taylor said...

I hope you feel better tomoorow and you have a great Christmas party!