Tomorrow is Christmas parties at work for our departments. Fortunately our boss is taking us to Cheddars for an extended lunch. Dave and them are having a snack day. Luckily he is only required to bring rolls. The girls had mercy on me.
Today I am Thankful for so much. I do not even know where to begin.
I'm thankful it's going to snow this weekend on into next week. I am hoping for a White Christmas.
I'm so glad all my family will be here for Christmas
I'm thankful for a warm house and some hot soup for my tummy.
I'm thankful I AM going to be well by the weekend so I will not be sick while off!!!
But most of all I am Thankful for a Savior who was willing to come one night, and be humble enough to lay in a manager unlike the King He was. That He grew up to give His life for me.
What are you Thankful for this Christmas Season?

Great TT list! I hope you get feeling better and that garb moves away for good.
I hope you feel better tomoorow and you have a great Christmas party!
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