"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~~Wisdom from Dr. Seuss:


100th Blog Post!!!

Here I am at my 100th Post!! I can't believe I've already did that many.
Ok, so I still haven't learned to do anything fancy with this yet, like change colors, or fonts but I'm working on it.

I got to thinking about what to do for my 100th post. So I thought I would tell 100 random things about myself. After thinking a while, I thought, why not ask the people who know me best to tell me what they think of when they think of me. It has been interesting, but they all were up for the challenge. So, here you have 100 random things about me for my 100th blog.

100. locked me in the closet as a kid
99. Busted my head opened playing "airplane" while Mom was gone
98. Made me eat soap (I don't remember it, but he swears I did)
97. dressed me like a girl (what can I say? I always wanted a sister)
96. threatened "Sterile Cheryl" to call the house or talk "dirty" to me as a teenager.

95. friendly
94. likes to abuse "Miata Man"
93. Religious
92. wants to be a beach bum
91. holding onto the wagon with her fingertips and I'm trying to push her off.

90. has a thing with odd numbers, only likes even
89. likes to throw candy at fat girls (actually it was her when she was pregnant)
88. likes to travel
87. seen a vision of love at a funeral
86. if you lose touch with her, you will die

85. has an infections laugh
84. you know her mood by the look on her face
83. she's devoted to her family
82. she's devoted to church
81. is loving to those she likes and the devil to the ones she don't. (she said this laughing, so I'm hoping that was good, right?)

80. Moody
79. Bossy
78. Loving
77. Great Cook
76. married to an illegal midget

75. loves to text
74. particular about how the yard is mowed (wonder why?)
73. likes all sorts of flowers
72. likes to take walks in the rain
71. loves all songs about rain

70. Funny
69. Loud
68. Purty
67. Guarded
66. Interesting

65. someone who is not where she wants to be
64. has shown sarcasm is a talent
63. loves a good time out
62. loves a good night out with some of her girl friends
61. has no problem finishing a book in one sitting

60. is micheveious
59. is a prankster
58. loves to pamper people
57. loves a Saturday ride
56. devoted wife

55. she's a good listener
54. a southern comfort
53. a dear friend
52. someone who's got your back
51. God fearing

50. she's sweet
49. she's caring
48. she's loving
47. she's concerned
46. she's a Holy example to others

45. she is very affectionate
44. would make a great Momma
43. she likes everything in order and place
42. always there when you need her
41. loves to joke around until she makes you laugh

40. she's unique
39. hilarious
38. definitely spontaneous
37. crazy will do most anything
36. runs a tidy ship

35. guy said, "I wanna love you all over x's five baby"
know what, that worked for me, lol.

20. works for a company called Brock McVey
19. doesn't take "no mess" from nobody!
18. likes to eat at Mi Mexico (great mex joint in Lex Ky if you are ever there)
17. drives 30 miles one way to church
16. likes to take last minute get aways, like beach trip in May.

15. eats the food on her plate clockwise.
14. doesnt like for her food to touch, but she mixes cornbread with everything
13. has a type "A" personality
12. hates to have her picture taken
11. thinks she has always been fat even when she was rail thin.

10. peppermint mocha and hot apple cider are drink preferences from Starbucks
09. she has to sneak to Starbucks because she was once addicted and went 3xday
08. she is willing to try just about anything at least once
07. a turkey tried to fly in her car when her Momma was trying to teach her to drive
06. can't stand being hot unless it's from a hot bath or hot tub

05. is like a fish to water and can swim but is afraid of drowning
04. favorite breakfast is biscuits and gravy from Nannie's
03. people she wants to see in person is God, and her babies in Heaven
02. talks fast when she gets excited
01. loves to blog and made everyone laugh by asking "what are five things that come to your mind about me when you think of me?"

Thank you to everyone who helped out! It was lots of fun.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

Go to LAYOUTS and then to the upper left corner it will say FONT, COLOR. Then choose which you would like for each. Preview in case you don't like it and want to try something else.

Missy said...

Congrats! Great post!
My friend's hubby works at Brock McVey!
My ex's, ex-in laws own Brock!

Unknown said...

LMAO@76. married to an illegal midget

That was too funny!

Congrats on your 100th! if you need any help email me i will help where I can...