"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~~Wisdom from Dr. Seuss:


Here I Am.........

I can't believe how long it has been since my last post.  Being that at one time I was an every day poster.
So much has transpired in the last year and a half.  I have no idea where to even start!!!

I have been tossing around the idea of blogging again.  I'm not sure if I want to continue at this blog,
Ramblings From the Foothills, or to start fresh.  I don't think I'm the same person who started this so long ago.  So while I am trying to decide I thought I would share some pictures of the last year and a half.
As I showed on my last post, Chickie Monkey was consuming our time.  Now, she will be 3 next month.

Here is DH.  It was a day trip to Augusta.  It's hard to believe I've spent the last 14yrs with this amazing man, I don't know how he has tolerated me, but so blessed he has!!

Here is Chickie Monkey.  She's growing so fast.

Here is my BEAUTIFUL friend Marie, who is a fellow blogger. 
I was blessed enough to go meet her in person in April. 

We also have this new little bundle of joy in our lives
Meet Dandy Andy

More pictures of Chickie Monkey
Chickie mad her first road trip to TX this summer. 

And she sleeps.  She's a little princess that monkey!!